Our Story

Ember is a creative strategy firm born out of the itch to build, make, and tell the stories of the great work we see around us everyday. Our appetite for action can result in a social enterprise incubator, a community garden, a national print magazine, a grant, or a digital media course. Put us to the test to make your thing, organization, or narrative matter. 


Anthony is our lead consultant, who galvanized a group of students at Dickinson College to begin a socially-responsible enterprise organization called the Idea Fund. As a student and one-year fellow of the program, Silverman grew the organization from scratch, starting with $15,000 from the President’s personal fund, and eventually managing over $550,000 in properties and finances. He built out such projects as The Peddler, a mobile coffee cart, The Handlebar, a bike mechanic co-operative, financing a new biodiesel reactor, and providing a loan for retrofitting lighting for the performing arts center. After his post-graduate fellowship, he briefly worked with environmental groups on Oahu’s North Shore, and came back to the Jersey Shore to work on initiatives with local start-ups and non-profit organizations.

Strengths: Networking, Staffing & Recruitment, Project Strategy and Implementation, Fundraising, Public Relations, Social Media, Web Dev, Accounts

Weaknesses: Drinks too much coffee and drives a Saab (born from jets)




Dan's background is not in dictionaries or political gamesmanship, but is still in the realm of words and administration. Previous to his role as co-founder and COO of Ember, he was the publisher and editor-in-chief of Local Magazine, a culture/travel publication that highlighted one town in America per issue. His career started by joining the much-talked about sustainability department for Dickinson College, serving as a projects manager managing a wide net of projects: recycling, tracking greenhouse gas emissions, managing a biodiesel plant, and serving as administrative support for the Idea Fund and 13 student interns. He holds an MFA in Creative Writing at Bennington College, and likes to think he's using all his left- and right-brained activities for Ember by chiseling out proposals, copywriting, project managing, and partying with the details. He lives in Denver and realizes no humidity is the best kind of humidity.

Strengths: Writing, Managing and Executing Strategies, Fundraising, Sustainability Trends, Administrative Annoyances

Weaknesses: Heart palpitations and being a Pittsburgh Pirates fan